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当前所在位置:首页 >> 社会动态 >> 72%的英国男性喜欢玩游戏超过喜欢自己的女朋友
2009-04-03 22:00:54  作者:  来源:本站  文字大小:【】【】【
  •   一家英国网站 www.PS3pricecompare.co.uk近日完成了一项调查。参与调查的1130名英国男性中有72%声称自己会为了玩游戏而不和自己的老婆、女友上床。 另外,41%的受调查者声称,如果给自己50英镑,自己宁愿去买游戏而不愿买别的。


1 in 3 British men would prefer to play video games than sleep with their partner, with 72% claiming they'd shun their missus for the night to play a new release.

From a study of 1130 British men, of those in relationships, 32% that said they would prefer to play video games gave reasons ranging from their "partner being hard to please" to the prospect being "not as much fun" as gaming.

Further cementing the sad truth about video game addiction in the British male, 41% said if they were given £50, they'd spend it on a video game.

The research was carried out by PlayStation3 site, www.PS3pricecompare.co.uk, a specialist independent price comparison website that claims it can help find the cheapest new co
nsoles and games.






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